Tuesday Baseball Predictions – Boston Red Sox Stay Hot

boston red sox

by Cody Roberts – Wannamakeabet Staff Writer To see today’s entire baseball card with up to date lines, click here.  Prediction: Boston Red Sox -1.5 over Oakland A’s After a decent start to the season, Daniel Mengden is now 0-2 in his last four starts. Although those two losses came against the powerful Astros lineup, …

MLB Season Win Total – Picks and Analysis

Yu Darvish

MLB Season Win Total Picks and Analysis.  The Major League Baseball Hot Stove has finally run out of gas this offseason. With the Players Association making multiple concessions in recent years on domestic and international spending limits, in exchange for virtually nothing, teams are now balking at the price-tags for free agents and are instead …

Bud Selig and NFL Lawyers Just Lied Under Oath

What kind of world are we living in when the commissioners of major league baseball and the NFL openly claim they are unaware of people betting on their respective sports.  You weren’t aware that people are playing fantasy football for money!?!?!?  The New Jersey Sports betting legalization saga continues. Commissioners offer perplexing testimony in their …

New Jersey Has No Idea What It’s Doing: League Commissioners

Here they come again, this time with the strongest language yet against Gov Christy and his attempts to legalize sports betting in New Jersey.  According to David Stern, commissioner of the NBA, Chris Christy “has no idea what he’s doing”.  We shall see. Pro leagues, NCAA file brief against New Jersey betting law – ESPN …