Congrats to Member “Coffee is for Closers”. He wins $211 Cash in the February All Sports Betting League

February Sports Betting League final standings

Here are the top 10 finishers in the February All Sports Betting league at   Congrats to member “Coffee is For Closers”.  He went on a parlay tear in the last few days to win the title and $211 in cash!  Entry was free for all members and will be again for the March League! …

Member “SouthernWingsFan” Wins the NFL Playoffs League

SoutherWingsFan capped off a nice playoff run and took first place in this year’s NFL Playoffs Sports Betting contest at Pats/Under was the winning combo last night. GoVikes, and Darkhorse finished 2nd and 3rd. Thanks to everyone who came out and for another great football season at the site. Looking forward to a great …